Online resource center to help you explore these key issues, and others, regarding your estate.

Practice Areas

Mr. Miller has many years of experience in designing and implementing a comprehensive variety of Trusts, Wills, and other estate planning documents, as well as settling estates in the most expedient and appropriate method. Further, he counsels and assists clients on becoming eligible for VA benefits and Medi-Cal.

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VA Pension/Aid & Attendance/Medi-Cal

Mr. Miller has been active in the area of VA Pension and Medi-Cal for well over a decade. He uses various specialized types of Trusts as well as non-trust strategies to gain eligibility for his clients and save the family money.

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Probate & Estate Administration

Mr. Miller has been settling estates (both simple and complex) for well over 40 years. The starting point is always to create a strategy to settle the estate in the most efficient manner possible with a minimum of taxes. Often times the strategy created allows the family to bypass Probate Court proceedings.

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What is a “Geriatric Care Manager”?

By merv,

  Filed under: Blog, Senior Resources

I visited a networking breakfast last week and learned something new!
Do you know what a Geriatric Care Manager is?
I do, but I didn’t know what sets them apart from other long term care professionals.  I recommend Geriatric Care Managers to many of my clients because I know how valuable it can be to have someone who knows the situation with an older relative  BEFORE another crisis arises.

The speaker, Carole Lindsey from Silverado At Home here in the San Diego area, explained the difference between a care manager and a typical case manager that most hospitals provide. These two are commonly confused. Case management occurs at the hospital or doctor’s office and ends once a patient goes home. Case managers coordinate patient progress and typically determine if a patient has met their goals at a hospital or skilled nursing facility and are ready for discharge home.

So what does a Geriatric Care Manager (GCM) do?
A professional GCM is a health and human services specialist who helps families caring for older relatives. The GCM is experienced and typically holds a Master’s level degree in any of several fields related to care management, including nursing, gerontology, social work, or psychology.

Geriatric Care Managers are trained to manage the family dynamics, and act as the unbiased third party to help families resolve challenges. They know how to marshal care resources and help create a plan for the family members and care givers to follow. They are on-call for emergencies. Sometimes, they accompany clients to physician’s appointments when family members are not available or live far away. They act as a family liaison with medical professionals. In other words, they “speak the medical community’s language” and can coordinate patient and family needs.

Formal documentation is typical and frequently required to satisfy updates for conservators, attorneys or trustees and family members acting as agents for the clients. A GCM provides a written assessment and recommendations, long-term planning and resources to all parties involved. Many times, their services are paid for by the patient/family, although it may be covered by Long Term Care insurance.

There are more resources to help you navigate the maze of long term care on our Senior Care Providers listing, as well as tips on How to Choose a Nursing Home or Assisted Living Facility.

Permission for use granted by Carole Lindsey, Silverado At Home 858-485-7100. Please note that of the businesses listed above, each is independently owned and operated. None of the vendors listed above are employed by Merwyn J. Miller although we may, from time to time, use one or more of the vendors. The decision to hire or engage the services or purchase the products of any of the vendors should not be based solely on the information contained in this listing. Any decision regarding which vendor to engage should be based on an independent investigation of all the facts and circumstances that the User of this website deems relevant in making the decision.

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About Living Trusts

About Living Trusts is hosted by the Law Offices of Merwyn J. Miller, as your online resource center to help you explore these key issues, and others, regarding your estate.

Merwyn J. Miller, J.D.

  • Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law
  • Co-Author of legal text book and of “Don’t Go Broke in a Nursing Home
  • Teacher of law courses at public and private colleges
  • Continuing Education Instructor for attorneys
  • Columnist for largest regional newspaper in San Diego County and professional journals for 15 years, Contributing author to the book “In Your Service: The Veteran’s Friend”
  • Masters Degree in Financial Services - Estate Planning

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