Vets Reconnect – Bombers try to keep WWII lessons alive
Filed under: Blog, Veteran's Benefits
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Fox News originally aired this video February 6, 2011 and again on July 6, 2011. We all know at least one veteran. My father served valiantly as did many other WWII veterans. That is one reason I am dedicated to finding ways to make their senior years a bit easier. The Department of Veterans Affairs has a pension available for non-service connected disabilities. This pension is also referred to as the aid and attendance benefit. The requirements and characteristics needed to qualify are listed in our web article: Veterans Non-service Connected Disability. The pension is based on the theory that the veterans served their country during a time of war and the country that they helped will now serve them by supplementing their income.
Do you or your parents qualify? Qualifying Vets & Spouses may receive up to $23,396 per year! Discover The VA’s Best Kept Secret…
Where: Attend a FREE INTERACTIVE WEBINAR on your computer
When: Tuesday Aug 30 or Thursday, Sept 1, 12:15 to 1:00 PM PDT
There will be a LIVE Q&A Session following!
See More Info at VA Aid & Attendance benefit and registration information.