VA Benefits & Medi-Cal
Don’t Go Broke in a Nursing Home–Do You Know VA’s & Medi-Cal’s Hidden Secrets for Obtaining Benefits?
Learn About…
The VA’s Best Kept Secret–The Basics
Veterans and Widows* Can Receive up to $24,239 per year
Click the links below to watch the specific webinar…
Medi-Cal Webinar: The Problem & The Solution
Don’t be one of those who thinks nothing can be done.
Medi-Cal Webinar: Hurdle #1 Eligibility
Eligibility, the look back and penalty periods.
Selling the house could be the biggest mistake you ever make.
Medi-Cal Webinar: Hurdle #2 Maximizing How Much Medi-Cal Will Pay
How much does Medi-Cal pay and the minimum monthly maintenance needs allowance (MMMNA). Settling for the default could put you in the poor house.
Medi-Cal Webinar: Hurdle #3 It’s a Loan, Not a Gift
They Want Their Money Back
Will you lose the home?
Medi-Cal Webinar: Comparing the Two Major Government Programs VA & Medi Cal
The differences between the two programs. Is one really better than the other?
Medi-Cal Webinar: Preplanning Approaches for Medi-Cal and VA
What you should be doing before you need Medi-Cal or VA. The single tip that could save the family fortune!
VA Webinar: The VA’s Best Kept Secret…
Veterans and Widows* Can Receive up to $24,239 per year.
*Veterans married to Veterans can receive somewhat more. Widows can receive approximately half what a veteran can receive.