Online resource center to help you explore these key issues, and others, regarding your estate.

Practice Areas

Mr. Miller has many years of experience in designing and implementing a comprehensive variety of Trusts, Wills, and other estate planning documents, as well as settling estates in the most expedient and appropriate method. Further, he counsels and assists clients on becoming eligible for VA benefits and Medi-Cal.

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VA Pension/Aid & Attendance/Medi-Cal

Mr. Miller has been active in the area of VA Pension and Medi-Cal for well over a decade. He uses various specialized types of Trusts as well as non-trust strategies to gain eligibility for his clients and save the family money.

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Probate & Estate Administration

Mr. Miller has been settling estates (both simple and complex) for well over 40 years. The starting point is always to create a strategy to settle the estate in the most efficient manner possible with a minimum of taxes. Often times the strategy created allows the family to bypass Probate Court proceedings.

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Advantages for Tech Savvy Boomers and Happy Thanksgiving!!!

By merv,

  Filed under: Blog, Elder Law, Veteran's Benefits

“Ultimately, as generations progress, people won’t need us to help them learn how to do things. “Everyone will already be technologically savvy.” These are some of the thoughts behind the new tech savvy world by which we are surrounded. The option at this point has become embrace the technology or get left behind in the ancient world. This is important because modern technology permeates all parts of life. New age technology is not something simply for teens and twenty-somethings fascinated by web design. Technology involving scanning, efax and video conferencing in addition to social media such as facebook and twitter are inescapable realities (perhaps you prefer to call them nightmares?) and for better or worse are the means by which the world communicates. While not everyone is required to have a facebook account, we ALL should know what these types of social media can do for us and more importantly how we can ALL use some form of advanced technology to enhance our lives.

For example, in my practice we are trying to go as “paperless” as possible. What, no paper, are you mad?! Well no, obviously we keep necessary hard copies of important documents, but with the ease of scanning, email, and efax the flow of physical documents has pleasantly diminished. At our office we can work far more efficiently with scan and email, allowing us to use less paper and communicate with our clients faster.

Also, as many of you loyal readers know, I have worked with hundreds of clients in an effort to help them qualify for the VA Aid & Attendance Non-Service Connected Disability Pension. Well, how does technology help there? In numerous ways, but perhaps most importantly is being able to get all of the relevant parties in one room. You see often times when working with veterans or surviving spouses to help them qualify for this VA Aid & Attendance Non-Service Connected Disability Pension we work, there are multiple decision makers involved in the process.

For example, Sam Sample, a veteran trying to qualify for the Aid & Attendance benefit may have a daughter in Carlsbad and a son in San Francisco.  He wants them both involved in the process. Well, with the benefit of Go To Meeting (video-conferencing service) we are able to meet in the office with Sam and daughter while having son present through video conference. I may be of the earliest Baby Boomer generation, but I have learned to embrace modern technology, which enables me to provide a better and more efficient service to my clients.

Enough tech talk for now…Please remember that Thanksgiving is a time to spend with our loved ones and enjoy the best meal of the year together. Have a great Thanksgiving, be safe, and remember that the best way to protect your family is to plan because we already talked about how waiting can ruin everything.

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About Living Trusts

About Living Trusts is hosted by the Law Offices of Merwyn J. Miller, as your online resource center to help you explore these key issues, and others, regarding your estate.

Merwyn J. Miller, J.D.

  • Board Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law
  • Co-Author of legal text book and of “Don’t Go Broke in a Nursing Home
  • Teacher of law courses at public and private colleges
  • Continuing Education Instructor for attorneys
  • Columnist for largest regional newspaper in San Diego County and professional journals for 15 years, Contributing author to the book “In Your Service: The Veteran’s Friend”
  • Masters Degree in Financial Services - Estate Planning

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